In room modding, there are 2 kind of mods: the “standard mod”, where you change the textures of existing 3d models you have bought from the thrixxx shop, and (let’s call it this way) the “FBX mod” where you add new geometry that doesn’t exist in the original room mod.

We will call this additional geometry “room property”.

Whatever we say for the room properties, apply to fbx rooms also, since fbx rooms consist of a room property (which in this case is the entire new room) with it’s own textures, while the original mod’s textures are all saved as transparent in order for the original room not to render.

Room Props are uploaded on GE as textures, and the texture file size limits apply for uploading: 65Mb max file size (including .txxs file and textures)

Room Textures:

  • May consist of multiple objects in the fbx file (this is the basic difference between 3d props and 3d toys.
  • May have bump map (another significant difference with toys)
  • May have a specular map (toys can have a specular map also, but it is applied in a strange way comparing to room props)
  • Must have one and only one Material per 3d object

Usually, if you import a 3d model which was previously converted for another game, all single 3d objects have a single texture, so there are times that you can export the room right after importing it.

To create a new fbx prop or fbx room, you will have to create a new directory under your game’s activemod directory, which typically is here


ActiveMod is the directory where the 3DSV engine stores textures. Each texture set has it’s own directory, no matter if it is a clothe mod, or a room mod.

In this directory you must create an .fbx file which you will convert to .txs from compiler. When 3DSV reads room information, it scans the directory for .txs files, and if it finds them, it reads them and imports the 3d geometry within the game engine.

After the import, if all textures are in png , tga or j2p format, the room will render just fine. But you will not be able to upload the room, since the thrixxx texture uploader does not allow .tga files in the zip file of the texture.

If there are textures in other formats they might not render properly.

So one thing you will have to do is inspecting your 3d model, and bake the textures on all objects that have problematic materials or textures (objects with multiple materials, textures with unacceptable file format e.t.c.)

And that’s it.

I will post a step by step tutorial on room props conversion, like i did with the toys, but it is essential you go through the toy’s tutorial first before proceeding with room props and rooms.

Enjoy the ride!

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