About 3d models requests.

Hi, You are propably reading this, because you clicked on a link on the GE website, most probably in a comment on a toy or room request post. And maybe this post was on my xstream, or maybe the tag @Master-G was mentioned there. If you comply with one or more than the above, here …

Convert Complex XPS Assets to 3DSV Toys

In this 2nd tutorial, we will import a “complex” asset from xnarlara and convert it to 3dsv toy. By the term “complex”, we mean that the asset we want to import to 3dsv is either a multi-object asset (the geometry consists from more than one item) or has special materials like transparent materials. The example …

Convert DAZ3D assets to 3DSV toys

This tutorial requires: A fully functional Blender 2.79 installation. A fully functional DAZ3d software installation The DAZ to Blender script installation That you have succesfuly followed the 2 xnalara tutorials found on this blog and you made yourself comfortable with the 3DSV toy making process. That you have read the DAZ section on this page …

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